your mom is in the kitchen preparing lunch.
and here you are, sitting in front of the screen feeling so lethargic. l-e-t-h-a-r-g-i-c. yeah that's how its spelt. you randomly click on a few names on msn and tell them how bored you are. you make up a list of things you can do later and reflect on your far-from-perfect life...
alright stop hitting me with that bolster of yours [yes i know, you just woke up you lazy bum!], saying "WHAT THE HELL! IS THERE ANY RELEVANCE TO YOUR TITLE?!" tomatoes ain't welcome, either ;D
you see, i believe you can be lost in another world if you like something right? right. I'm flying off to paris no joke. I'm visiting Musée du Louvre. Oops i'm sorry, i actually meant i'm going to look at those artworks from Musée du Louvre. In singapore. secret busted D;
I'll see if i can sneak a flyer or two [wait, is it even called a flyer?!] and post them up soon. Actually, i'm not all that excited. i told you i feel lethargic and i don't want to move my butt away from this chair. But hey, its great experience to see stuff like mona lisa on canvas and michelangelo's sculptures in person. (in person?!) And, artists just seem to like dressing people up in leaves or just nothing, its still art though.
I apologize if you find this too lame D; i'll just post some stuff later on. I'll start bugging my brother to fix the network thing so i can
My hobby's collecting stuff to put in my computer fyi~
terie: i see my name thank you@___@and we havnt watched phantom of the opera yet YOUKNOW! u want to mate hamice with yoz?:D
{hahaha of course! you're welcome ^_^ OH YES WE HAVEN'T! D: we must find a day where we're free! AND LOL. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN MANZXZX! a hambit? rabster?}
ashley: can a hamster mate wif a rabbit -.o LOL EMMA U LOOK NIIICEEE IN THAT DRESS! and i wan a grey cardigan too!!!

{HAHA you'll get a hambit or a rabster! :D LOL THANKYOU ASHLEY YOU LOOK GORGEOUS IN THE YELLOW DRESS TOO! i want your black cardigan hahaha!}
Jac: Hi Emma! It was fun yesterday! You are welcome! So happy to see Hamice again... Hehe!

{Hi Jacqueline! yup it sure was! and haha i'll contact you asap when i know my schedule! :D}
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